Contact Information:





Zip Code:


Confirm Email:

Please describe what you would like to know or accomplish as a result of this research:


Research state:

Please identify family, family members or individual(s) to be studied (please fill in the fields below to the best of your ability and as applicable):

Names of ancestors and/or item you would like us to research:

Name(s) of spouse(s) (if applicable):

Dates & Places of Birth:

Dates & Places of Death:

Where they lived:

Military service? If so, in what branch & during what time period?:

Associated Religion:

Research already done on these ancestors (describe & send copies of documents):

General Information:

Upon receipt of your request for services via email, fax or regular mail, we will contact you to discuss the best package or research option to accomplish your desired results. Once we understand your project, we will submit an engagement letter to you outlining our services. Upon receipt of your acceptance of the engagement and your payment, we will begin our research. Many of the smaller packages and projects may be completed within 6-12 weeks. We will give you an estimated completion time frame and keep you informed of our progress.

You may choose to pay by check, money order or credit card. Out of pocket fees including but not limited to document fees, photocopying, postage, microfilm or microfiche rental, and long distance, without prior approval not to exceed $75 will be billed at the end of the project and are due upon receipt. In the event out of pocket fees will exceed $75, we will notify you and obtain approval.